
Academic Intervention Services (AIS)

Due to significant changes in standards from prior years, Academic Intervention Services (AIS) are required for all students who score below proficient (Levels 1 or 2) on New York State English/Language Arts and Math assessments.


It is important to us that you know what assessments your child is taking, when they are given, and why they are given. We invite you to view the 2023-24 One-Page Assessment Calendar to learn about each specific assessment and how it helps us enhance instruction for all Hudson students.

Curriculum Mapping & Outlines

The Hudson City School District strives to provide a well-articulated curriculum (K-12) that supports teachers and parents on behalf of our students. Curriculum mapping is an ongoing process that is revised based on student needs. The maps are not intended to be detailed lesson plan documents. Therefore, please read the maps as an outline of curriculum:

Click here for information and resources on New York State Next Generation Learning Standards (English/Language Arts and Mathematics).

High School Courses (Grades 9-12)

Visit the HHS Guidance Office page for information about course offerings, honor roll, National Honor Society and more.

See additional educational opportunities for high school students such as college courses and Career & Technical Education.

Parent Guides

K-8 Literacy & Math (Critical Concepts Parent Guide)  – This guide includes:

  • Key items children should be learning in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics at each grade level
  • Links, in blue and underlined, to activities that you can access at home to support your child’s learning
  • Links, in blue and underlined, to information that will help you understand grade-level expectations

Alfabetización y Matemáticas K-8 (Guía para Padres de Conceptos Críticos)