Please help us ensure a safe and smooth arrival/dismissal each day by following the drop off and pick up procedures outlined on this page. Please note that all visitors are required to show photo identification before entering our schools during regular school hours.
As a reminder, morning drop off and afternoon pick up should take place in the north parking lot ONLY (the entrance at the intersection of Harry Howard Ave & Joslen Blvd). The main entrance/bus loop is for school staff and school buses ONLY. Parent drop off/pick up will not be permitted to come down the main bus loop. See the map below.
- Students who are dropped off/walk to school will enter through the HS Main Entrance front door. See the second map below.
- Please drop off your student(s) as close to 8 a.m. as possible. Busses cannot release students until 7:30 a.m.
Please follow the traffic pattern below to help minimize vehicle hazards in the bus loop:
If you have a student to be dropped off/picked up at the Junior High School, please use the south entrance next to the Elks Lodge (201 Harry Howard Avenue).
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this important safety matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the HHS main office at 518-828-4360 (ext. 3100).
Dismissal & Early Pick Up
Regular dismissal is at 2:37 p.m. If you plan to pick up your child before dismissal, please send a note or a phone call in advance to notify the main office of early pick-up plans (518-828-4360, ext. 3100).