Happy Thanksgiving from the Hudson City School District!
Thanksgiving Letter from Dr. Spindler and the Hudson CSD
Nov. 23, 2022
Dear Hudson City School District Faculty, Staff, and Families,
It provides me great joy to wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you all take the time to share what you are grateful for and enjoy your precious time together.
It has been a busy year thus far, full of progress for our diligent district from top to bottom. Certainly, it is one to be thankful for, and exciting to see what’s next!
In the classroom, our scholars have been elevating the standard for achievement due in part to their determination to succeed and the comprehensive instruction from our amazing staff of dedicated professionals. Projects with extensive thought processes, collaborative teamwork, and strengthening essential skills that will last our staff and students a lifetime have been fully displayed.
Outside of the classroom, our art, music, sports, and theater programs have all been performing at a high level, and it’s been an entertaining pleasure to soak it all in! Many efforts of community service, fundraising, and acts of kindness have not gone unnoticed across all age levels. Our crew of amazing members in administration and in the district offices has been crucial to the district’s daily operation and behind-the-scenes work.
From an ethical and moral standpoint, the district has been persistent in its reinforcement of #HudsonHasHeart and in improving the culture of our school district and local communities. We have certainly felt the support behind this movement and are optimistic to see how far its effect can be spread!
As the temperatures continue to drop, we encourage you to continue to maintain measures of keeping yourself and others safe and healthy. Whether it is establishing memories, celebrating a culture, or giving to those in need, I hope you can appreciate the holiday season’s importance. We look forward to seeing students, faculty and staff back in-district on Monday, Nov. 28!
Dr. Lisamarie Spindler
Superintendent of Schools