We understand that many of you are anxiously awaiting news on what the 2021-2022 school year will look like. While school districts were previously advised that updated COVID-19 guidance from the Governor’s Office and the New York State Department of Health was forthcoming, we learned this week that no such guidance will be issued after weeks of waiting.
In the absence of reopening guidance from the state, the Hudson City School District has been in constant communication with the Columbia County Department of Health (CCDOH) and superintendents in the Questar III BOCES region to discuss plans for the school year. At this point, we are working toward a regional approach to safely opening schools in September. The health and safety of our students and staff continue to be the District’s top priorities, with the ultimate goal of safely bringing all students back to the in-person learning environment this fall. We hope to finalize a plan for our school district as soon as possible. We will continue working with the CCDOH, regional superintendents, the Needham Group and our own stakeholder groups to finalize an opening plan that will be communicated to families as soon as possible.
We share your frustrations and thank you for your continued patience as we work toward the common goal of safely bringing our children back to school on September 9th.
There will be a virtual stakeholder meeting on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 from 6:30-8 p.m. to begin the discussion about the plan. If you would like to attend this virtual meeting, please send an email to reopeningquestions@hudsoncsd.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and stay safe.