Dear Parents/Guardians:

The District was informed of the following positive cases of COVID-19 within the school community:

  • One high school student, who was last at school on May 3rd. Based on the last date of attendance and the positive test date, no school contact tracing was required.
  • Three elementary school students, all of whom were last at school on May 7th. Based on the last dates of attendance and the positive test dates, no school contact tracing was required.

Please note that three of the above cases are connected to a single exposure that occurred outside of school and not due to spread within the schools. Please be assured that schools and buses are thoroughly cleaned regularly and the in-person learning environment remains safe for students and staff.

Please be assured that schools and buses are thoroughly cleaned regularly and the in-person learning environment remains safe for students and staff.

I understand you might like additional details but privacy laws restrict us from releasing any personally identifiable information.

Even if you are fully vaccinated, please continue following the health and safety protocols including wearing masks or face coverings, practicing social distancing, washing your hands, avoiding gatherings, and staying home if you/your child are unwell or awaiting test results. If you have questions or need to report a COVID-19 related health issue, please contact your child’s principal or school nurse.

Thank you for your continued understanding and support.


Dr. Maria Lagana Suttmeier, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools