The Hudson City School District welcomes Cheryl Rabinowitz to its administrative team as the Manager of Instructional Technology. She started the position in July 2020, at the height of an increased need for technology support by our students, staff and families. A primary function of Ms. Rabinowitz’s role is managing the District’s technology infrastructure and related support services.
One example of how Ms. Rabinowitz is working to make things easier for students and staff is the new online form that streamlines the technology help request process at HCSD. Ms. Rabinowitz said that most Hudson Help Desk emails were incomplete or did not provide enough information, often leading to several follow-up emails. The new Hudson Help Desk form includes specific questions that allow the IT Department to provide faster assistance.
Here are a few things to help you get to know Ms. Rabinowitz:
What is your role here at the Hudson City School District, and where do you work?
I am the Manager of Instructional Technology for the district. My office is located in the high school but I provide support for the whole district.
What are your job responsibilities/priorities?
Some of my responsibilities and priorities as a District leader include: supporting staff, students and families with any of their instructional and administrative technology needs; managing the onsite Technology team members; encouraging the effective use and application of technology tools for teaching and learning; preparing procedures, assisting with developing policies that ensure appropriate use of technology; identifying and integrating effective use of technological resources; oversight for maintaining hardware, software, network systems, purchasing, inventorying hardware and software to support the increasing needs of the district; communicating technology updates to staff, students, families as applicable; developing district technology budget recommendations, problem solving, proactive troubleshooting and future planning; serving as the District’s point of contact for data security and privacy, which includes implementing information security and privacy measures to protect students and school personnel; and Chairing the District Technology Committee.
When did you start working at HCSD?
I began on July 1, 2020.
What goal(s) do you hope to accomplish while working here?
A primary goal is to assist the District with a “digital transformation.” Part of this includes reestablishing the District Technology Committee and collaborating with school staff to begin updating our technology policies and the three-year District Technology Plan for 2022-2024. Another goal is to further develop the Smart Schools Investment Plan in alignment with the District Technology Plan and implement these plans. Data used to develop these planning documents will come from feedback and surveys from staff, students, families, the community, various assessments of technology infrastructure systems, and auditor and technology staff recommendations.
What do you like most about your job?
All of it! My leadership style is a servant leader. I am here to serve students, staff and families by being a problem solver and providing resources and support for anything related to technology.
What is your background like – previous jobs?
I’ve worked in education in many capacities. Previously at other districts I was an elementary classroom teacher, computer teacher, staff developer, instructional technology coordinator, and technology director, as well as a principal, Assistant Superintendent for Technology and Innovation and Assistant to the Superintendent. I’ve worn nearly every hat and have a rich understanding of school technology needs.
What is your education background?
I hold several degrees including a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with a History concentration, a Master of Science in Early Childhood and Gifted and Talented Education, and a Master of Science in Educational Technology and Telecommunications. I also have a Certificate in Educational Administration.
Before working here, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
Throughout college I worked as an election inspector during primary and general elections. It was very interesting because it provided me with insight to the importance of my civic duty to vote.
Tell us a bit about your life outside of school.
I enjoy spending time with my family, friends and pets. I enjoy camping, traveling, antique craft fairs and using my spin bike.
What is the best advice anyone has given you?
Never stop learning!
What is your motto or personal mantra?
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi