Scholarships & Awards


Foundation 649 Scholarship:  for a graduating Asian American or Pacific Islander senior who will be enrolling at an accredited college/university in the Fall of 2025, has a track record of involvement and interest in Asian American/Pacific Islander communities, issues, or causes, has  demonstrated financial need and is a US citizen, resident, or foreign national.  When you apply you will need to upload the FAFSA Student Aid Report or W-2, 1099, or other tax documentation.  To apply go to www,  Deadline to apply is March 1, 2025.

Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Scholarships:  for graduating seniors.  There are multiple scholarships available.  The general application will determine your eligibility for scholarships.  To apply to go  Deadline to apply is March 15, 2025.

Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley Scholarships:  for graduating seniors.  There are multiple scholarships available.  Our scholarship applications can be accessed through our online scholarship portal. We use a universal/common application process, so each student only needs to fill out a single application to be matched with our extensive list of over 50 scholarships.  To apply go to (you must create an account).  Deadline to apply is March 15, 2025.

CCATS (Columbia County Association of Town Superintendents) Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who must have been a resident of Columbia County at least 2 years prior to graduation, must have been accepted by a trade or vocational school, 2 or 4 year college/university, accredited community college or other higher educational institution, and should intend to enter road maintenance, construction, civil engineering, public works, mechanics, or related fields (fields of study not associated to these careers will not be considered).  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is March 20, 2025.

New York State Society of Professional Engineers Capital District Chapter:  for a graduating senior in the Capital District who intends to study engineering at an ABET-EAC accredited institution.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is March 27, 2025.

Hudson Teachers’ Association Community Service Award:  for a graduating senior who has shown evidence of outstanding achievement, leadership, and service in community activities.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is March 28, 2025.

Hudson Teachers’ Association Scholarship:  any senior is eligible who plans to pursue a career in Education.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is March 28, 2025.

Tyrone M Staley Future Barber Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who can prove financial hardship and plans to attend barber school, apprenticeship, or cosmetology.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Hudson Valley Old Time Power Association Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who must reside in Columbia or Greene counties and must be pursuing one of the following fields of study (agriculture, mechanics, engineering/technology, or history).  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is April 4, 2025.  

Joe Maben Memorial Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who must have played at least 1 (one) Varsity Sport for 2 (two) seasons during high school.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is April 7, 2025.

George W. Oliver Jr. Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who must be pursuing a career in law enforcement.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is April 22, 2025.

William B. Wrigley III Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who must be furthering their education in the field of law enforcement or the military.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is April 22, 2025.

Cameron Jace Quartiers Memorial Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who is in academic good standing, will be attending an accredited 2 or 4 year college, has a record of voluntarism within the community, and plans to pursue a degree in any area of health care.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is April 28, 2025.

MMB Accounting Diversity Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who is an ethnic minority (Native American/Alaskan Native, Black/African American, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, or two or more races), must be attending college in NYS as an accounting major (leading to licensure as a CPA).  To apply go to to apply is April 30, 2025.

New York Housing Association Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who MUST be attending an accredited NY Trade or Technical School, MUST be pursuing a career in a skilled trades or labor field which supports the construction industry, and MUST be associated with the manufactured or modular housing construction industry by one of the following ways:  a) student currently lives in a manufactured or modular home or b) student has a close relative who works in the manufactured housing industry (i.e, father/mother, grandfather/grandmother, brother/sister, or aunt/uncle) or c) student is currently working in the industry via one of the intern/apprenticeship programs or is directly employed by a manufactured or modular housing construction-related company.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline to Guidance is May 2, 2025.




The Hagan Scholarship:  for a senior in the graduating class of a high school in the US (if not a US citizen must be fluent in the English language), must have a 3.5 GPA (90>), must enroll in a four-year or higher college/university following high school graduation, must work 240 hours from January 1, 2025 until September 1, 2025 (full-time/part-time), applicant’s adjusted gross household income reported for 2023 Federal Income Tax Purposes must not have exceeded $100,000.  To apply go to  Deadline to apply is December 1, 2024.

Coolidge Scholarship:  any high school junior who plans to enroll in college in the fall of 2026 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply.  This scholarship is a four-year scholarship that can be used at any accredited college/university in the United States.  Alert:  this scholarship requires that applicants read President Coolidge’s Autobiography and a few other short readings and then write 3 essays.  For the application and more information go to  Deadline is December 11, 2024 at 5:00pm. 

2025 Future Food Scholarship:  for high school seniors who have applied, been accepted, or deposited to the following Johnson & Wales University undergraduate programs (Charlotte or Providence) before January 15, 2025.  Applicants need to submit formulas/recipes for fully composed savory or sweet dishes that address one or a number of critical food system challenges, including (but not limited to):  Carbon footprint and ecological damage, Food waste, and/or Poor nutritional outcomes-particularly among food-insecure households.  Applicants must also submit a short essay description of their recipe/formula and how it addresses the relevant food system challenge.  To apply go to  Deadline to apply is January 15, 2025.

Excellence in Nursing Scholarship 2025:  must be a senior at a high school in one of the following counties:  Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Ulster, or Westchester and must be pursuing a career in nursing.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is February 3, 2025.

Brett Pelesz Memorial Scholarship:  for a graduating senior who will be continuing their education in the field of music and/or theater studies.  Application is in Guidance.  Deadline is February 3, 2025.