On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, voters approved the $54,125,024 spending plan for the 2022-23 school year and elected five Board members. See the results here.
About the Budget Proposal
Click the links below to learn more about the budget proposal for the 2022-23 school year and the candidates running for the Board of Education:
- Budget proposal summary and highlights
- Breakdown of revenues and expenses
- Questions & Answers
- Board of Education election (candidate bios posted on 4/28/2022)
- How to vote
The annual School Budget Vote & Board of Education Election is on Tuesday, May, 17, 2022, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Residents can vote by absentee ballot or in person at their designated polling location. Visit the Voting Information page to learn about polling locations, voter registration and absentee ballots.
Budget Development & Documents
- 2022-23 Budget Book (includes a letter from Superintendent Spindler, detailed breakdown of revenues and expenses, NYS school report card, property tax report card, and more)
- Hudson Highlights: Budget Newsletter 2022-23 (includes the Budget Notice; this will be mailed to district residents)
- 2022-23 Budget Notice
- Public Hearing Presentation on the 2022-23 Budget Proposal (presented to the Board of Education on 5/3/2022)
- Presentation # 4 – Superintendent’s Recommended Budget (presented to the Board of Education on 4/5/2022)
- Presentation #3 – Budget Scenarios (presented to the Board of Education on 3/15/2022)
- Presentation #2 – Budget Priorities (presented to the Board of Education on 3/1/2022)
- Presentation #1 – HCSD Fiscal Profile FY22 (presented to the Board of Education on 2/15/2022)
- Budget Development Timeline (2022-23)
Important Dates
Below are dates of public presentations and events* (see the full budget development timeline above):
- Tuesday, February 15, 2022 (6-6:30 p.m., HHS Library) – Community Budget Workshop hosted by the Budget Committee (presentation of preliminary budget forecast and proposed budget assumptions)
- Tuesday, March 1, 2022 (6-6:30 p.m., HHS Library) – Community Budget Workshop hosted by the Budget Committee (topic TBD)
- Tuesday, March 15, 2022 (6-6:30 p.m., HHS Library) – Community Budget Workshop hosted by the Budget Committee (review proposed budget and modify, if needed)
- Thursday, March 31, 2022 – Applications for absentee ballots available from the District Office
- Tuesday, April 5, 2022 (6 p.m., HHS Library) – Community Budget Workshop and Board meeting (final draft of proposed budget presented to BOE for approval and adoption)
- Wednesday, April 27, 2022 – School board nominating petitions due to District Clerk by 5 p.m.; copies of 2022-23 Proposed Budget (Budget Book) available to the public
- Thursday, April 28, 2022 (4-8 p.m., MCSES new gym) – Voter Registration Day (please bring photo ID)
- Tuesday, May 3, 2022 (6 p.m., HHS Library) – PUBLIC HEARING for proposed budget; last day to register to vote
- Tuesday, May 17, 2022 (11 a.m. to 8 p.m., various polling locations) – VOTE on proposed budget and school board election
*Dates/locations are subject to change
Budget Proposal Summary & Highlights
The Hudson City School District is pleased to propose an educationally sound and fiscally responsible spending plan for the 2022-23 school year. The proposed $54,125,024 budget would continue supporting the District’s mission of ensuring that students have varied opportunities to achieve academic excellence, become future ready, and commit to civic engagement.
The proposed $54,125,024 spending plan for the 2022-23 school year would continue providing students with the educational opportunities, extracurricular activities and social-emotional supports that are currently available and more. There would be no cuts to programs or staffing.
The estimated tax levy increase is 2%, which is below the District’s 4.57% tax cap, or maximum allowable increase, as calculated under New York State’s property tax cap law. This amounts to $627,913 not levied from taxpayers. This is the sixth year in a row that HCSD proposes a fiscally responsible spending plan with a tax levy increase below the tax cap (see graph below).

This graph illustrates the District’s calculated tax caps compared to the actual tax levy increases. The 2022-23 budget proposal has a 2% tax levy increase (below the 4.57% tax cap), which brings the total estimated tax savings to $2,821,532 since 2017.
The budget-to-budget increase is $1,880,620. This will be covered by $489,389 from the tax levy, $600,000 from the District’s fund balance and $791,231 from aid. The increase is due to higher special education and transportation costs, contractual obligations and pension contributions, as well as proposed capital improvements at Montgomery C. Smith Elementary School (see below).
New for 2022-23

Pre-Kindergarten students participated in a school-wide Earth Day celebration at M.C. Smith Elementary School on April 14. The 2022-23 budget proposal would add another full-day Pre-K class so more children can have early learning experiences and opportunities to gain pre-aca- demic and social-emotional skills that are key to future success in school. The full-day program also allows time for Music, Art and Physical Education.
The proposed spending plan was developed to sustain existing programs and expand current programs to provide even more opportunities for students to recover from the academic and social-emotional setbacks caused by the pandemic. The proposal increases our full-time teachers so we can provide more support and academic offerings such as an additional Pre-Kindergarten class at Montgomery C. Smith Elementary School and Civics at Hudson High School. The following new full-time staff positions are included in the 2022-23 proposed spending plan:
- One high school Civics teacher to expand curriculum about citizen rights and obligations
- Two elementary Special Education teachers (one would be for an additional full-day Pre-Kindergarten class)
- One 2-Year Kindergarten teacher
- One high school Special Education teacher
- One junior/senior high school elective teacher
- Three teaching aides
- Two teaching assistants (one of which would be dedicated to helping junior high students with credit recovery so they can stay on track academically and on track for graduation)
As noted above, the budget would expand early childhood education by adding a second section of full-day Pre-Kindergarten. This would provide more children with early learning experiences and opportunities to gain pre-academic and social-emotional skills that are key to future success in school.
Varied Educational & Extracurricular Opportunities

K-2 STEAM classes learned how traits are passed down through our parents’ DNA by looking at the history of dogs and their different traits. They discussed why there are many different types of dogs and how they descended from wolves. Students used iPads to explore 3D models of different dog breeds and created their own dog models using Play-Doh. The proposed budget would continue to support STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) education at the elementary and junior high schools.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) education would be expanded to include Project Lead the Way at Hudson Junior High School. This program aims to create an engaging, hands-on learning experience where students can develop knowledge and skills in high-demand fields such as engineering, architectural design and biomedical science.
Existing offerings such as Advanced Placement courses, Art and Music programs, career and technical education opportunities, clubs, athletics, and 45+ high school electives and college credit-bearing courses would continue to be supported under the proposed spending plan.
Physical Learning Environment
The budget proposal also aims to enhance the physical learning environment through capital improvements at Montgomery C. Smith Elementary School. The District would use $600,000 from the general fund to upgrade the HVAC system in the 1997 wing and provide air conditioning in 20 classrooms to maintain a productive learning environment in warmer months. The District is able to fund this capital project in 2022-23 after maximizing the American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal grant to support salaries for mental health and counseling staff in the 2021-22 school year. Approximately 70% of the cost would be eligible for state aid reimbursement.
“The ARP grant gave us a unique opportunity to use our general fund for capital improvements without levying separate taxes or cutting programs,” said Jesse Boehme, Business Administrator. “The capital project was included in the budget proposal so that most of the cost would be eligible for reimbursement from the state.”
Click here for details on how the District is using the ARP grant to address learning loss related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Revenues and Expenses
REVENUES: Where money comes from to pay for Hudson City Schools
Revenue Source | 2021-22 | 2022-23 Proposed | Change ($) | Change (%) |
Tax Levy | $24,469,462 | $24,958,851 | $489,389 | 2.00% |
Projected State Aid | $25,285,942 | $26,092,932 | $806,990 | 3.19% |
Utility Tax* | $600,000 | $600,000 | – | 0.00% |
Remimbursements & Misc. | $1,100,000 | $1,130,000 | $30,000 | 2.73% |
Rents, Tuition, PILOTS | $289,000 | $243,241 | $ (45,759) | -15.83% |
Assigned Fund Balance | $500,000 | $1,100,000 | $600,000 | 120.00% |
Grand Totals | $52,244,404 | $54,125,024 | $1,880,620 | 3.60% |
*Small City School Districts are eligible to receive a percentage of telephone, gas & heating fuel costs collected by the utilities. Learn more.
EXPENSES: How money is spent at Hudson City Schools
Expense Category | 2021-22 | 2022-23 Proposed | Change ($) | Change (%) |
General Support | $4,618,130 | $4,876,680 | $258,550 | 5.60% |
Instruction | $26,841,754 | $27,349,208 | $507,454 | 1.89% |
Transportation | $3,430,200 | $3,774,000 | $343,800 | 10.02% * |
Employee Benefits | $12,107,065 | $12,296,058 | $188,993 | 1.56% |
Debt Service | $5,167,255 | $5,149,078 | $(18,177) | -0.35% |
Transfer to Other Funds | $80,000 | $680,000 | $600,000 | 750.00% ** |
Grand Totals | $52,244,404 | $54,125,024 | $1,880,620 | 3.60% |
*This is due to increased transportation needs for special education students placed out-of-district.
**For HVAC capital project at MCSES to be paid with fund balance (see “Physical Learning Environment” section above).
Three-Part Budget
By law, school districts must divide their budget into three components—program, administrative and capital—and compare them to amounts from the previous year. Hudson’s three-part budget breaks down as follows:
Program | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Amount | $ 38,971,672 | $ 40,178,933 |
% of total | 74.60% | 74.24% |
Program costs include the salaries and benefits of all teachers and staff delivering pupil services (such as library, guidance, health, social work, speech therapy and athletics), textbooks, instructional materials, equipment, extracurricular student activities, BOCES program costs, and transportation costs.
Administrative | 2021-22 | 2022-22 |
Amount | $ 4,531,984 | $ 4,586,872 |
% of total | 8.67% | 8.47% |
Administrative costs include the salaries and benefits of administrators, supervisors and administrative clerical staff; public information and printing; insurance costs; legal and auditing expenses; and Board of Education expenses.
Capital | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Amount | $ 8,740,748 | $ 9,359,219 |
% of total | 16.73% | 17.29% |
Capital costs include the salaries and benefits of maintenance and custodial staff, debt service, tax certiorari and court-ordered costs, operation and maintenance costs, and utilities.
Questions & Answers
What if I have more questions about the budget proposal?
Click here for more line-by-line details about the 2022-23 budget proposal or call the Business Office at 518-828-4360 x2100.
How would my taxes be affected?
This table shows the estimated tax impact of the proposed budget based on an assessed home value of $100,000. To determine the annual tax difference based on a home value of $150,000, multiply the amount in the “Difference” column by 1.5. For an assessed home value of $200,000, multiply the “Difference” amount by 2, and so on.
Town | Annual Taxes (2021-22) | Annual Taxes (2022-23)* | Annual Difference* | Monthly Difference* |
Claverack | $1,231.12 | $1,255.74 | $24.62 | $2.05 |
Ghent | $1,431.53 | $1,460.16 | $28.63 | $2.39 |
Greenport | $1,295.92 | $1,321.84 | $25.92 | $2.16 |
Hudson | $1,295.91 | $1,321.83 | $25.92 | $2.16 |
Livingston | $1,709.89 | $1,744.08 | $34.20 | $2.85 |
Stockport | $1,709.89 | $1,744.08 | $34.20 | $2.85 |
Taghkanic | $1,415.05 | $1,443.35 | $28.30 | $2.05 |
*Based on the proposed 2% tax levy increase. Figures are estimates and subject to change based on STAR exemptions, changes in assessed and full values, and equalization rates.
Why levy taxes if HCSD got a federal grant?
The American Rescue Plan is a one-time influx of federal revenue. For long-term financial planning, it is a best practice to keep the tax levy close to the tax cap in order to avoid a future tax spike. This is because the tax cap is based on the actual taxes levied in the previous year. If the District levies no taxes in 2022-23, it will negatively impact future tax cap calculations.
What is a utility tax, and why is it part of the District’s revenue?
Under Publication 750 of New York state law, small city school districts such as Hudson are eligible to receive a percentage of the telephone, gas and heating fuel costs collected by the utilities, also known as a “utility tax.” This helps spread the tax burden across all District residents and not just home/property owners. Also, the additional revenue received from the utility tax allows HCSD to limit increases in property taxes and still receive enough revenue to operate.
What if the budget is defeated?
If the proposal is voted down, the District may resubmit the original budget or submit a revised budget to voters on June 21, 2022. If the revised proposal is not approved, the Board must adopt a contingency budget. Under a contingency budget, the District may not increase the tax levy over the prior year. Each program and department would be reviewed to eliminate non-mandated expenses for next year (e.g., extracurricular activities, field trips, sports, staff positions, and non-mandated academic programs or electives).
Board of Education Election & Candidates
In addition to the budget proposal, voters are asked to decide on candidates to fill five seats on the Board of Education. Three seats are full three-year, unpaid terms effective July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. Two seats are the remaining terms of Carrie Otty and Sage Carter, who resigned for personal reasons prior to the end of their terms. Both partial terms are effective the day of the vote, May 17, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The three candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be awarded the three-year terms. The two candidates who receive the fewest votes will fill Otty and Carter’s vacated seats for the remainder of the terms.
There are four candidates running for five open seats. The candidates will be listed on the ballot as follows: Willette Jones (incumbent), Lakia Walker (incumbent), Kjirsten Gustavson, Mark DePace (incumbent). In addition to the listed candidates, voters may write-in names of preferred candidates who reside within the Hudson City School District.
Each candidate was asked to submit a brief bio to introduce themselves to voters. Learn more about the Board of Education candidates below (listed in the order they will appear on the ballot):
Willette Jones
My name is Willette Jones, I’ve served on the Hudson City School District Board for 6 years. I would like to continue my work on the board to assist in the development of policy changes, and to show support to the new superintendent. I am a former graduate of the HCSD, all 4 of my children attended HCSD and have graduated. As a member of the school board, an area of focus that I believe is important is Health & Safety. It is my desire for all students and staff to feel safe when entering our building. I also want to assist with policy that supports all students in higher education and/or career readiness upon graduation. As a member, I hope to have an impact on the board to ensure that all families are represented and a part of the district’s future focus goals (Achieve Academic Excellence, Become Future Ready, Commit to Civic Engagement). To be an effective member of the board you have to be flexible and a team player, because all decisions made are determined by a majority vote. The skills, knowledge and experience that are helpful in being a good board member are active listening, community relationships and experience in education.
Lakia Walker
My name is Lakia Walker, I am running for a seat on the Hudson City School Board because I have a desire to see all students fulfill their greatest potential and destiny. This is why I obtained my Master’s Degree in School Counseling and have worked in education for over 20 years. As a Work Based Learning Coordinator, I look forward to how I can make a positive impact to help students grow and develop their future career goals.
I am a mother of four children all being raised in the Hudson City School District, with my oldest son being a senior this year. I believe the most important thing I would like to accomplish is to advocate for transparency between the district and parents/guardians. I am committed to support policy that will strengthen and prepare all students for post-secondary education or the workforce. In the next three years I plan to support policy, curriculum and a strategic plan that will increase test scores and raise the graduation rate.
To be an effective board member it takes time, dedication, and courage. I am willing to stand and speak out for parental rights and advocate for transparency.
Kjirsten Gustavson
I have lived in Hudson for 17 years, and I am the mother of two daughters in the Hudson CSD. For the past seven years, I have had to navigate a variety of special services there while supporting my girls’ education. I also volunteered in 2020 to help develop policies for returning to school safely in light of COVID19. For eleven years, I worked on field trip programs as a museum educator at nearby Clermont State Historic Site. Now I develop museum exhibits that incorporate diverse history throughout New York State.
It is Hudson CSD’s recent adoption of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy that most inspired me to run for school board. I believe this policy is an important first step, and I look forward to hearing the voices of students and parents to help ensure that the policy is put into action thoughtfully and effectively. I support arts and culture for our students and this year began helping with the Hudson Drama Club. Finally, I also bring experience working with state budgets, non-for profits, personnel, and facility management. I hope to use these skills and experience to serve the community on the board.
Mark DePace
I am a parent, entrepreneur, part-time educator, youth sports coach, and the current Vice President of the Hudson City School District Board of Education. I grew up in the Hudson Valley and graduated from Newburgh Free Academy. As the child of two teachers, I have been passionate about public education for as long as I can remember.
Since joining the School Board, my goal has been to continue the trend of academic improvement within our schools and ultimately, create a school district that all residents can be proud of. Academic excellence goes hand in hand with inclusion and equity and I want to continue to develop robust educational experiences that serve students of all backgrounds. Our schools should reflect the community that we live in and celebrate its diversity, rich history, natural beauty, and cultural institutions. This continued change will take an increase in morale, community participation, and positivity within the culture of our schools.
I believe all voices should be heard and that communication and collaboration are essential when trying to build a consensus and generate prompt, decisive action. By using the skills I have developed as an entrepreneur and educator I am confident I can continue to be an effective leader for our school community.
Vote on Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Please exercise your right to vote on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at your designated school budget polling location:
- District 1: City of Hudson – Central Fire Station (77 North 7th Street, Hudson)
- District 2: Greenport, Stottville/Stockport, & Ghent – Greenport Community Center (500 Town Hall Drive, Hudson)
- District 3: Claverack, Livingston, Taghkanic – A.B. Shaw Firehouse (67 Route 23, Claverack)
Click here for absentee ballot information.