Budget Breakdown

revenues and expenses pie graphs 2020-21


Where money comes from to pay for Hudson City Schools

Revenue Source2019-202020-21 ProposedChange ($)Change (%)
Tax Levy$23,672,443$24,143,525$471,0821.99%
Projected State Aid23,975,02024,052,21377,1930.32%
Utility Tax600,000600,00000%
Remimbursements & Misc.1,240,0001,109,000-131,000-10.56%
Rents, Tuition, PILOTS**305,000280,000-25,000-8.2%
Grand Totals$49,792,463$50,184,738*$392,275

*Excluding $500,000 Assigned Fund balance
**Payments in lieu of taxes


How money is spent at Hudson City Schools

Expense Category2019-202020-21 ProposedChange ($)Change (%)
General Support$4,828081$4,560722-$267,359-5.54%
Transportation2,596,4213,059,100462,67917.82% *
Employee Benefits12,049,61211,767,316-282,296-2.34%
Debt Service5,350,0005,190,160-159,840-2.99%
Grand Totals$49,792,463$50,684,738$892,275

*This is due to increased transportation needs for students placed out-of-district

Three-Part Budgetthree-part budget graph 2020-21

By law, school districts must divide their budget into three components—program, administrative and capital—and compare them to amounts from the previous year. Hudson City School District’s three-part budget breaks down as follows:

Program 2019-20 2020-21
Amount $35,951,687 $37,531,602
% of total 72.20% 74.05%

Program costs include the salaries and benefits of all teachers and staff delivering pupil services (including library, guidance, health, social work, speech therapy and athletics); also textbooks, instructional materials, equipment, extracurricular student activities, BOCES program costs, and transportation costs.

Administrative 2019-20 2020-21
Amount $4,349,890 $4,391,973
% of total 8.74% 8.66%

Administrative costs include the salaries and benefits of administrators, supervisors and administrative clerical staff; public information and printing; insurance costs; legal and auditing expenses; and Board of Education expenses.

Capital 2019-20 2020-21
Amount $9,490,886 $8,761,163
% of total 19.06% 17.29%

Capital costs include the salaries and benefits of maintenance and custodial staff; plus debt service, tax certiorari and court-ordered costs, operation and maintenance costs, and utilities.

dollar bill cut up into proportionate sections

  • Classroom Instruction & Support Services = 71 cents
  • School & Central Administration = 10 cents
  • Buildings & Grounds = 9 cents
  • Transportation = 7 cents
  • Debt Service = 2 cents
  • Extracurricular & Interscholastic Athletics = 1 cent