Budget Breakdown

REVENUES: Where money comes from to pay for Hudson City Schools

Revenue Source


2019-20 Proposed

Tax Levy



Projected State Aid



Other: Rents, Tuitions, Misc.



Grand Totals



*Adopted budget was increased by the Board of Education to reflect a $50,000 Grant in State Aid received.

EXPENSES: How money is spent at Hudson City Schools

Expense Category

2018-19 Actual*

2019-20 Proposed

General Support $5,181,126 $4,828,081
Instruction 24,250,965 24,968,349
Transportation 2,509,974 2,596,421
Employee Benefits 11,715,177 12,049,612
Debt Service 5,162,486 5,350,000
Grand Totals $48,819,728 $49,792,463

*Adopted budget was increased by the Board of Education to reflect a $50,000 Grant in State Aid received.

revenues and expenses pie charts

Three-Part Budgetexpenses by category

By law, school districts must divide their budget into three components—program, administrative and capital—and compare them to amounts from the previous year. Hudson City School District’s three-part budget breaks down as follows:

Program 2018-19 2019-20
Amount 34,765,382 35,951,687
% of total 71.21% 72.20%

Program costs include the salaries and benefits of all teachers and staff delivering pupil services (including library, guidance, health, social work, speech therapy and athletics); also textbooks, instructional materials, equipment, extracurricular student activities, BOCES program costs, and transportation costs.

Administrative 2018-19 2019-20
Amount 4,670,612 4,349,890
% of total 9.57% 8.74%

Administrative costs include the salaries and benefits of administrators, supervisors and administrative clerical staff; public information and printing; insurance costs; legal and auditing expenses; and Board of Education expenses.

Capital 2018-19 2019-20
Amount 9,383,734 9,490,886
% of total 19.22% 19.06%

Capital costs include the salaries and benefits of maintenance and custodial staff; plus debt service, tax certiorari and court-ordered costs, operation and maintenance costs, and utilities.

how every dollar is spent

For every dollar spent:

  • Classroom Instruction & Support Services = 66 cents
  • Transportation = 6 cents
  • Debt Service = 10 cents
  • Extracurricular & Interscholastic Athletics = 1 cent
  • School & Central Administration = 9 cents
  • Buildings & Grounds = 8 cents