PDF: Pennyman’s Pen

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Issue 23 | December 26, 2024
Welcome to Superintendent Dr. Juliette Pennyman’s bi-weekly update for the community: Pennyman’s Pen!

Happy Holidays and New Year!

I am proud of what we are accomplishing together in the District! Our combined efforts and collaboration make it all possible. I wish you all happy holidays, safe travels, and a prosperous new year!

​Check out hudsoncsd.org for the latest articles, updates, and newsletters!

Winter Concerts at Hudson Schools

On Friday, December 13, the Montgomery C. Smith Elementary School presented their Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade Winter Concerts! On Friday, December 6, students in grades 3-5 performed in their Winter Concert. The students were amazing up there, and their families were so proud. The Hudson Junior High School held its Winter Concert on December 12, and the Hudson Senior High School had its Winter Concert on December 19.

Thank you to all the amazing music teachers throughout the District!

I also enjoyed the concerts and stopped by some of the elementary classrooms! In between performances, I got a chance to connect with community members and families.

At a recent BoE meeting, I presented this update about the Business Office and Transportation.