Dear Hudson City School District Grade 7-12 Families,

Winter sports registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year. This year, we are using a completely online registration program called Aktivate Registration. This can be done from a phone, computer, tablet, or any electronic device. Once your account is created you will have that for every registration period and will only need to complete certain aspects of the registration.

High School sports are for students in grades 9-12 and Modified sports are for grades 7-8 except for our Mod 9 Volleyball is for grades 7/8/9 when signing up.  Please make sure to sign up for the appropriate level based on your child’s grade.

The link below is where you will create an account and get your student registered for the sport they are interested in trying out for.

Once the account is created, you can start the registration process. Some information will be needed in order to get your student registered. A copy of their current physical must be uploaded into the system, which can be done by taking a picture with your phone and uploading it, there is no special format for the pictures needed. Just make sure that the picture includes not only the date of the exam, but the doctor’s signature page as well. You will know that your child is completed and ready for tryouts when their registration status says “Completed” in green.

If anything you submit gets declined you will have a reason attached to that so you know how to properly fix the issue.

The link below will allow you to watch a video on how to create the account and get your child registered for the sport.

Attached in the bottom of this message are attachments of English and Spanish directions to create your Aktivate account and register your student for the upcoming season.

If you have any questions please reach out to Athletic Director Shawn Briscoe via email at There is also a help button within the Aktivate program that can be very helpful as well.

Additional Resources: