Announcement Included in Update to Board of Education

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The Hudson City School District is planning on developing a reimagined, comprehensive summer school program for 2025. Superintendent Dr. Juliette Pennyman made the announcement as she provided an update on this summer’s educational programs for students at Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting.
“For next year, we’ll be looking to develop a full, robust, targeted summer school for kindergarten through grade eight,” Dr. Pennyman said. “We will look at grant money and transportation to develop a really great, targeted summer school for needs of all students.”

Numerous planning logistics and other details will be coordinated in coming months. Components of the planning will be based on current summer school accomplishments, including a flourishing high school program and other opportunities. Dr. Pennyman said Hudson is fortunate that several certified Hudson teachers graciously stepped forward to teach this summer, often setting aside family responsibilities and other employment options to do so. Use of in-district teachers provides continuity with the regular school year curriculum, she noted. She also said that summer staffing is a challenge and that solutions will be sought so there are more teachers.

This summer’s program is larger and more attended than last year’s, Dr. Pennyman said. In summer 2023, seven courses were offered, and there were 37 students. This summer, 16 classes are behind held, and attendance is 88, she said. Courses cover graduation requirements including high school Math, Physical Education, Health, English Language Arts, Social Studies and Science. In addition, sixth-grade English Language Arts are offered, as is sixth grade math and seventh grade English Language Arts. The Health class is not for students who failed a course; instead, it’s geared for students seeking to get ahead on credits so they can potentially take more advanced full-year classes in the upcoming school year.

Dr. Pennyman also provided these updates:

Hudson High School: “We have a robust program at the high school, and the majority of classes are graduation requirements,” Dr. Pennyman said. She noted that classes run from July 8 to Aug. 15 and that students are offered a half credit – equivalent to two marking periods – for successful completion of the program.

Hudson Junior High School:
There are two programs this summer, running from July 8 to July 25 and July 29 to Aug. 15. The district will have only math for students who will be ninth graders this fall, part of a “boost up” academy for the second program. That is due to the district having difficulty securing summer teachers, Dr. Pennyman said.

Montgomery C. Smith Elementary School: Students have benefitted from a tutoring program for two hours a week, focusing on reading and math for students in kindergarten through grade 5. “This has allowed students to maintain their skills during summer months,” Dr. Pennyman said. “Success can be attributed to a targeted curriculum and providing what students really need. There are different engaging teaching methods, small group sizes and personalized attention for each student. This is what summer school is made for: personalized and targeted learning. Teachers have reported noticeable improvements in students’ confidence and abilities in both reading and math, setting them up for a strong start to the upcoming school year.”

Extended School Year for Special Education Students: This program, with enrollment of 61, covers 30 days in July and August and is free for parents, Dr. Pennyman said. “The purpose is to prevent regression,” she said. “Each student has summer goals they work on.” She also noted that students participate in several activities, including some connecting to the Olympics, which take place in Paris from July 26 through Aug. 11.

Elsewhere, the Board of Education also approved contracts and personnel appointments. Learn more by visiting Click on the July 23, 2024 Meeting Agenda and then click each item for details. View the meeting on the Hudson City School District’s YouTube page at The next Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 6 p.m. in the Hudson High School library. The meeting also can be viewed live, or on demand, on the YouTube page.