The HJHS Virtual Meet the Teacher Night is on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 from 5-7 p.m.

Parents/guardians will meet virtually with their child’s grade level teams by clicking the meeting links (see below). The schedule will be as follows:

  • 5 p.m. – Principal Welcome
  • 5:10-5:50 p.m. – Grade level Meet, including Academic Intervention Services, Special Education, and/or Specials (see links below)
  • 6-6:40 p.m. – Grade level Meet, including Academic Intervention Services, Special Education, and/or Specials (see links below)
  • 5-7 p.m. (SPED) – If your student has Mrs. McCagg, Mrs. Walsh/Ms. Sheridan, Ms. Spanakos/Mr. Steil or Dr. Coryell, please use the provided link to meet with them at some point between 5-7 p.m. (see links below)

Click on your student’s grade level or teacher to join the meet at one of the above times:

  • Click on Grade 6 or join by phone (US) +1 414-909-4555 (PIN: 241 628 298#)
  • Click on Grade 7 or join by phone (US) +1 442-264-7873 (PIN: 281 678 849#)
  • Click on Grade 8 or join by phone (US) +1 516-654-4329 (PIN: 537 722 135#)
  • Mrs. McCagg: click here or join by phone (US) +1 615-640-0147 (PIN: 838 734 979#)
  • Mrs. Walsh/Ms. Sheridan: click here or join by phone (US) +1 302-924-8362 (PIN: 997 473 793#)
  • Ms. Spanakos emailed your student specific meeting times between 5-7 p.m.  Please check their email for your scheduled time and link.
  • Dr. Coryell: click here or join by phone (US) +1 240-544-6360 (PIN: 212 837 569#)

Please be sure to check your/your student’s email for the needed links, which will include:

  1. A welcome video from Principal Reardon providing an overview of the evening
  2. A listing of all the Google Meet* links for each grade level or specific classes
  3. A link to Parent Portal so you can access your student’s daily schedule (if you need assistance accessing Parent Portal, please contact Ms. McDonald at by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, 10/13)

*A gmail address is not required to access these Google Meets. If you need technical assistance during the virtual open house, contact the Hudson Helpdesk at 518-479-6835.

Additional Parent Resources