Dear Parents and Guardians,
The first day of the 2021-2022 school year for students is Thursday, September 9, 2021. Unlike last year, students will not be phased in over the course of a few weeks. All students, PK-5, will begin school in person on September 9th. The school day begins at 8 a.m. Drop off begins at 7:30 a.m. for Kindergarten-Grade 5, and 7:45 a.m. for Pre-Kindergarten (if you require an earlier drop off time, please contact Mrs. Strattman at Students must be dropped off in the front of the building, using the lane closest to the school only. All students must be at school by 8 a.m. Please be sure your child is wearing a mask before entering the school or bus (more on masks below).
Upon arrival, K students will go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. Grades 1-5 will be outside prior to school except in cases of inclement weather. Breakfast will be served in classrooms for Grades 1-5. Lunch for all grades will be in the cafeteria. On the first two days of school, Grades 1 & 2 will wait in the small gym and Grades 3-5 will wait in the big gym to be picked up by their teachers. K students will be picked up from the cafeteria by their teachers and Pre-K students will be escorted directly to classrooms.
Students will be 3 feet apart and masked at all times (except during meal times, supervised mask breaks or outdoor activities). There will be universal indoor masking for everyone inside schools as recommended by the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics. Masks will be optional when outdoors. Students are expected to have their own masks to wear at school and on the bus, however disposable masks will be available as needed (i.e., if a student forgets their mask or their mask becomes soiled). The District will also provide each student with one reusable cloth mask that can be laundered (we suggest hand washing or using a mesh laundry bag with mild detergent and air drying). More information about masks and other topics can be found on our website at
Afternoon pick up for Pre-K will be at 2:30 p.m. in the front of the building. K-5 pick up will be in the back bus loop at 3 p.m. (we hope to move this time back to 2:50 after the first few weeks of school once the buses are running on a more regular schedule). Parents/guardians should remain in the car and we will be distributing rear view mirror tags to identify cars. Please make sure we have updated emergency contacts to ensure the school knows who can pick up your child(ren). At this time, changes to daily dismissal routines are not possible as it could disrupt our safety plan. Bus students will go on the bus every day and pick ups will be the same each day. Afterschool Program applications were mailed and copies are available. All K-5 students are eligible for the afterschool program. Get more information at
We look forward to a wonderful school year! Please contact us with any questions.
Mark Brenneman, Principal
Ian MacCormack, Associate Principal