Dear Class of 2025 Parent/Guardians:
We are pleased to invite you to the 2021 8th grade Moving Up ceremony. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bluehawk Sports Complex. Rain date will be Thursday, June 24, 2021. Due to social distancing protocols put in place there are a few rules that we have to follow to keep everyone safe during our ceremony.
- Please call the main office to let them know the number of guests that will be attending the ceremony. The main office must know if you are attending the ceremony by Friday, June 18th. We MUST receive a confirmation by June 18th in order to ensure social distancing measures are followed and set up correctly.
- We will be live streaming the ceremony. Click here to view the live stream.
- Students will be seated in the bleachers while their guest will sit in the provided chairs on the field.
- Please arrive between 6:00-6:15 p.m. to allow time for everyone to get seated.
- Because the ceremony is taking place on the turf field, no high heels can be worn. (Wedges are fine.)
- Please do not bring your own chairs. Because of the turf field we are only allowed to use certain chairs, which will be provided.
- There will be no rehearsal for the ceremony.
- All awards and certificates for each student will be placed in an envelope and at the end of the ceremony students will be called up, to receive their awards and Moving Up certificate. Students will then return to their seats and be dismissed after all the students names have been called.
- A photographer will be present to take pictures of the student as they receive their envelopes. (Pictures will be emailed to the student at a later date.)
- Congregating on school property either before or after the ceremony will not be permitted.
- Masks are optional.
Please call the main office at 518-828-4360 x8100 or email to confirm that you are attending or if you have any questions. After a long, difficult year we are looking forward to being able to celebrate with you and your student!
Derek Reardon, JHS Principal