Topic: Community Budget Workshop & Board of Education Meeting 2/16/2021
Time: February 16, 2021 at 6 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Given the current COVID-19 situation and Governor Cuomo’s temporary suspension of Article 7 of the Public Officers Law (“Open Meetings Law”), school board meetings can be made accessible online in an effort to ensure the public can still “attend” while maintaining social distancing practices. Additionally, the February 16 workshop and meeting will be recorded and posted here when it is available. Your understanding is appreciated.
In an effort to minimize crosstalk confusion, other than the superintendent and board members, attendees will be muted upon entering the meeting.
Public Comment: Attendees who wish to comment in the public comment portion of the meeting should email their question/comment by 4 p.m. on February 16, 2021 to the District Clerk ( Questions/comments received after the 4 p.m. deadline will be addressed at the next board meeting.
Attendees are encouraged to join the meeting using the link below and only join by phone as a last resort.
Online Access Instructions
View the public portion of the February 16 Community Budget Workshop and Board Meeting at this link starting at 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 916 9092 0311
Passcode (if needed): 031610
One-tap Mobile
Attendees are encouraged to join the meeting using the link above and only join by phone as a last resort.
Phone Access Instructions
Attendees are encouraged to join the meeting using the link above and only join by phone as a last resort.
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 916 9092 0311
Passcode (if needed): 031610