October 5, 2020

Dear Bluehawk Families,

It is hard to believe that October is already here. I want to provide an update on the first few weeks of school and how our reopening plan is working. So far things are running smoothly however we are working to improve a few things such as virtual attendance and maximizing instructional time.

Our plan to slowly phase in grade levels this September has proven to be a wise choice. We were able to make adjustments each week to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. A substantial adjustment was made to the arrival times of buses. By adding 15 minutes to the majority of morning bus routes, it allows for a staggered arrival so there is no overcrowding while students wait to transition to classrooms.

We remain vigilant about all safety measures with the enforcement of temperature checks, masks, social distancing and hand hygiene. We are extremely proud of our students for following these safety protocols each day and doing their part to maintain a safe in-school learning environment. Thank you for your support at home to help us keep everyone safe. We will continue to communicate with you immediately about any known positive cases within our school community.

Over the next few weeks, we will be working to maximize instructional time in classrooms while always prioritizing student safety and efficiency. If your child(ren) is attending school in person, please make sure they come to school with their Chromebook fully charged and that they have the charger in case they need to charge the device while at school. We are also working to improve the instructional time for our virtual classrooms. It is challenging to have three models of instruction (in-school, hybrid and 100% virtual). Nonetheless, we are committed to making this school year the best that it can be for all students.

One area that we need parent/guardian assistance with is the critical importance of attendance, especially for online classes. We recognize that many students are learning virtually this school year either by choice or because they are in their junior or senior year. Every class counts and students must be in attendance for learning to occur, even in online classes. When a student does not sign on to a virtual classroom, they are marked absent which will ultimately result in a lack of credit for the work. This is important at every grade level but particularly for those working to gain credit toward graduation. Please speak with your child(ren) about the importance of attending classes, and let them know what your expectations are about their responsibilities as a student. Together we can support our students to be successful regardless of their model of learning.

Lastly, please be reminded that FREE breakfast and lunch are available five days a week for all Hudson students (and all children 18 and younger). There is no income requirement or registration needed. Children do not need to be students in the Hudson City School District. Free meals for children 18 and younger can be picked up at 10 locations throughout the district every Monday-Friday (excluding school holidays; times vary by location). Look for the school bus at each location:

  • John L. Edwards Bus Circle from 11-11:35 a.m. (360 State St, Hudson)
  • Parking lot north side of the Chamber of Commerce from 11:40 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (1 N. Front St, Hudson)
  • Providence Hall from 12:20-1 p.m. (119 Columbia St, Hudson)
  • Taghkanic Fire Department from 11-11:30 a.m. (631 Old Rte 82, Hudson)
  • Claverack Fire Department from 11:40 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (67 Rte 23, Claverack)
  • Greenport Fire Department from 12:25-1 p.m. (216 Green St, Hudson)
  • Mabbs/Stottville Ball Park from 11-11:35 a.m. (2923 Atlantic Ave, Stottville)
  • Greenport Garden Apartments from 11:40 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (2-55 Green Acres Rd, Hudson)
  • Apple Meadow Village from 12:20-1 p.m. (53 Apple Meadow Rd, Hudson)
  • Hudson High School from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. (215 Harry Howard Ave, Hudson) WEDNESDAYS ONLY

Let’s continue to work together to keep everyone safe to make this the best possible school year for our students.


Dr. Maria Lagana Suttmeier, Ed.D.