These are the important things students need to know for the beginning of the 2020-21 school year:
- Schedules
- Morning Arrival
- Afternoon Dismissal
- School Buses
- School Days
- Remote School Days
- Masks/Face Coverings
- Hand Hygiene
- Extracurricular Activities
All grades start school on Monday, September 14, 2020, either in-person or remote. If beginning school remotely, students are expected to log attendance by engaging with their teacher(s) virtually starting September 14. The first day of in-person school for each grade and group is as follows:
- Grade 6 Blue Group – Monday, September 14
- Grade 6 Gold Group – Thursday, September 17
- Grade 7 Blue Group – Monday, September 21
- Grade 7 Gold Group – Thursday, September 24
- Grade 8 Blue Group – Monday, September 28
- Grade 8 Gold Group – Thursday, October 1
- Grade 9 Blue Group – Monday, September 14
- Grade 9 Gold Group – Thursday, September 17
- Grade 10 Blue Group – Monday, September 21
- Grade 10 Gold Group – Thursday, September 24
Once phased into the school building, the Blue and Gold Groups (6-10) will follow this hybrid schedule:
Class schedules are available in Student Portal.
- All students must have their temperatures taken before they can enter the building. Students being dropped off will have their temperatures checked before they exit the vehicle. Students with temperatures of 100.0°F or greater will be isolated, evaluated and sent home with a parent/guardian. Have your temperature taken before leaving home and stay home if it is 100.0°F or greater to avoid dismissal from school.
- Students should use the following doors to enter the schools:
- HHS students who are dropped off/walk to school will enter through the HS Main Entrance front door.
- HHS students who take the bus will enter through the cafeteria side door off the bus loop.
- JHS students who are dropped off/walk to school will enter through the side of the building.
- JHS students who take the bus will enter through the JHS Main Entrance front door.
- If you arrive before 8 a.m., you can grab your breakfast and wait in the gym after your temperature is checked. There will be cones spread out socially distanced while you eat your breakfast. After 8 a.m., students in the gym will be released in small groups to their homerooms.
- Students entering the building after 8 a.m. will grab their breakfast and proceed directly to their homeroom for study hall.
- Buses will arrive beginning at approximately 2:15 p.m. Dismissal will begin around 2:20 p.m.
- Wait in your classroom for your bus to be announced. Buses will be announced in groups in the order they arrive.
- Walkers and riders will be dismissed by a second announcement.
- As more buses arrive, more dismissal announcements will be made. Once there are few enough students, they may wait outside for the final bus runs.
- Maintain social distance during dismissal.
- Maintain social distancing at bus stops (at least six feet/two meters).
- Wear a mask while entering/exiting the bus and for the entire ride.
- Only one person per bus seat (unless you live together, then you can sit together).
- Fill the bus from back to front rows when getting on the bus, and exit the bus from front to back.
- No congregating before or after school.
- Students will receive a “grab and go” breakfast and report to the gym or their homeroom to eat, depending on time of arrival (see above).
- In-person classes will have block schedules (four blocks per day, 70 minutes each). Students will see each of their teachers once a week (due to new block scheduling) and then work remotely the rest of the week. See below for more details about remote days.
- There will be limited to no transitions between classes to reduce contact with others.
- Desks will be assigned in class for the student to use every day. This will help reduce contamination.
- Maintain social distance of six feet (two meters) between yourself and other individuals as practical.
- Limited people are permitted into bathrooms at one time. Bathroom occupancy will be monitored.
- Use of lockers, including locker rooms, is prohibited at this time. There will be no need to change for gym, but students should wear (or bring) sneakers for activities.
- Students may carry belongings in a book bag that may be kept on the back of the assigned chair.
- Students are encouraged to bring water bottles to use at refilling stations. No other fountain use will be permitted. Disposable paper cups will also be provided.
- Students will eat lunch in classrooms.
- Breakfast and lunch will be available to students on remote days. Click here for meal pick up times and locations (Monday-Friday).
- Follow your schedule. You are required to sign into each Google Classroom you have that day, at the scheduled time, for attendance purposes and to complete the work/activities assigned. Students must “arrive” (login) to class on time or they will be marked as tardy. The remote bell schedules for Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12 are available on the Remote Learning page (you can also access this page by clicking the “Students” link at the top of every page on the district website).
- Students are required to be engaged in the synchronous (real-time) activities or they will be marked as absent. A lack of engagement or attendance will be noted in eSchool and your parent/guardian may be notified.
- If your internet access is interrupted during the school day, call the main office: JHS- 518-828-4360 ext. 8100; HHS- 518-828-4360 ext. 3100.
- Students must follow our Code of Conduct and act appropriately at all times (e.g., appropriate language must be used, be respectful). If you are removed from a remote class for negative behavioral choices, it is your responsibility to follow up with your teacher.
- Students (and family members) should try to limit outside distractions during lessons (such as television, music, loud talking, etc.).
- Contact if you need technical assistance.
- Masks/cloth face coverings must be clean and worn over the nose and mouth at all times (except while eating or drinking).
- Acceptable cloth face coverings include:
- Non-medical cloth masks
- Bandanas
- Neck gaiters
- You are encouraged to bring your own masks every day. Masks with patterns or slogans must comply with the HHS/JHS dress code. If it violates the dress code, it will be confiscated and you will be given a disposable face mask to use for the day.
- The District will provide each student with one cloth, reusable mask in September. Disposable masks will be available at school as needed.
- Face shields can be worn in addition to face masks.
- Mask breaks will be provided under the supervision of faculty or staff.
- Students who refuse to wear a mask properly will be subject to consequences in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
- Wash your hands with soap and water frequently (but especially before/after eating and bathroom visits). Wash for at least 20 seconds (it’s longer than you think!).
- Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available (at least 60% alcohol). There will be hand sanitizer at school but students can bring a small personal bottle if they want.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hand (and then wash your hands after).
- Clubs will need to remain virtual for now.
- Lower-risk, school-sponsored fall athletics (including tennis, soccer, cross-country, and golf) can begin practicing/playing games on September 21.
- The capacity at indoor sporting events is limited to 50% occupancy and spectators to no more than two per player.