A continuation of the Public Hearing will take place via Zoom on June 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Please review the budget statement and submit any questions to boehmej@hudsoncsd.org prior to the public hearing so complete answers can be provided within the time frame of the hearing.
The public is also welcome to ask questions during the Budget Hearing. To do this in an orderly manner, please follow the guidelines below.
Attendees will be muted upon entering the meeting in an effort to minimize crosstalk confusion. Once you are admitted into the meeting, you will see a chat bubble icon at the bottom of the screen. Click the Chat icon to open the chat window (it should appear on the right side of the screen). Type your name and address in the text box with your request to pose a question. We will call upon you in the order they come in and each participant will have three minutes to state their question/comments.
Topic: Public Hearing Continuation for 2020-21 Proposed School Budget
Time: June 2, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Online Access Instructions
View the public portion of the June 2 budget hearing continuation at the following link starting at 6:30 p.m.: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3072150586?pwd=WEZBZHZ3NE1nZjkyNXVTdk16V3AyQT09
Meeting ID: 307 215 0586
Password: 880439
Phone Access Instructions
+1 478-419-3019 (PIN: 540206592)
Given the current COVID-19 situation and Governor Cuomo’s temporary suspension of Article 7 of the Public Officers Law (“Open Meetings Law”), school board meetings can be made accessible online in an effort to ensure the public can still “attend” while maintaining social distancing practices. Additionally, the June 2 meeting will be recorded and posted here when it is available. Your understanding is appreciated.