Topic: Board of Education Meeting 4/21/2020

Time: Apr 21, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Given the current COVID-19 situation and Governor Cuomo’s suspension Article 7 of the Public Officers Law (“Open Meetings Law”) through April, school board meetings can be made accessible online in an effort to ensure the public can still “attend” while maintaining social distancing practices. Additionally, the April 21 meeting will be recorded and posted here when it is available. Your understanding is appreciated.

In an effort to minimize crosstalk confusion, other than the superintendent and board members, attendees will be muted upon entering the meeting. Viewers wishing to comment in the public comment portion of the meeting must sign-up using the Zoom chat window and the board president or meeting host will call on you individually. You will then be unmuted and may comment.

Online Access Instructions

View the public portion of the April 21 Board Meeting at the following link starting at 6:30 p.m.:

Meeting ID: 801 833 912
Password: 8lic4r

Phone Access Instructions

+1 262-806-3738 (PIN: 620003363)