Jonathan (Jesse) Boehme is the new School Business Administrator at HCSD. His main priority is to develop and oversee the district budget, but his favorite part of the job is getting the opportunity to interact with students.
Here are a few things to help you get to know Mr. Boehme:
What is your role here at the Hudson City School District, and where do you work?
I am the new Business Administrator and I work in the Central Office.
What are your job responsibilities/priorities?
My major responsibility is developing and maintaining the district budget. I am also the supervisor of the Business Office, Buildings and Grounds, Information Technology Department, and Food Services Department.
What made you want to work at the Hudson City School District?
I was drawn to Hudson because I think my experience and knowledge in the field of school finance can really make a big impact on children’s educations in a small city school district like this.
What goals do you hope to accomplish while working here?
Immediately and long-term, my goal is to keep the taxes and budget as low as possible while still giving our instructional staff the support and resources they need to provide our students with the best education possible and simultaneously keep the district fiscally strong for the future.
What do you like most about your job?
I enjoy working in schools. I like getting out of my office and interacting with the students.
What is your background like – previous jobs, your education, etc.?
Before coming to Hudson, I was the Business Administrator at Germantown Central School District for the past three years. Before that I was the District Treasurer for Chatham Central School District.
I received my master’s in Accounting and my School District Business Leadership certification from the College of Saint Rose.
Before working here, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
Most of my jobs have been in the accounting field so none have been very exciting or interesting.
Tell us a bit about your life outside of school.
I live in Chatham with my wife and four children (three boys and a girl). In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and coaching my oldest son’s basketball team. I also enjoy playing rugby for the Albany Knickerbockers RFU.
What is the best advice anyone has given you?
The best advice I’ve ever received is to “be a lifetime learner.”
What is your motto or personal mantra?
“Don’t wish for it, work for it.”