The Hudson City School District is upgrading the way it shares Board of Education information by adopting BoardDocs Pro, a Cloud-based technology that can improve the school governance process while saving staff time and taxpayer dollars.
BoardDocs is an online service that will allow the district to maximize the effectiveness of its Board of Education meetings with increased transparency, providing a basis for better and more open communication with the public. Additionally, school board members will have access to best practices from other organizations that are using the system, allowing them to gain important knowledge about initiatives other governing bodies have considered and implemented.
Electronic distribution of board materials will not only save time and resources, but it will also provide unprecedented public access via the HCSD website to agenda items and other board-related information. This process will allow interested parties to review information prior to meetings. After the meeting, individuals can review the agenda items and see what action the board took, complete with voting results. All documents associated with the meeting are automatically archived and can be accessed by date or by using the system’s comprehensive “Search” feature.
Effective November 26, 2018, the new board management features can be accessed through HCSD’s website or the Board of Education webpage.
For questions regarding the governance initiative, contact the District Clerk at 518-828-4360, ext. 2100.